Tea For Arthritis

Tea For Arthritis

There are two types of arthritis:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis: an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks the joints.
  • Osteoarthritis: this is a degenerative disease where the joints wear out over time.

In both cases, common elements include pain, inflammation, and stiffness. Some actions that you can take for minimizing the arthritis symptoms include:

  • Losing weight if you are overweight: this will reduce the stress on your joints.
  • Exercise: this will keep your joints flexible. Do not do high impact exercise like jogging. Aerobics (e.g. on an elliptical), yoga, swimming, are all good choices.
  • Hot and cold compresses: these can give temporary relief to inflamed joints.
  • Acupuncture: some studies have found acupuncture to be beneficial for arthritis sufferers.
  • Natural treatment for arthritis: several articles examine the benefits of herbal treatment for arthritis.

This herbal tea for arthritis is based on a recipe by Cichoke[1]. It is a Native American cold tea that requires preparation: an overnight soaking of the herbs. White Willow Bark has anti-inflammatory properties, and is the basis for aspirin. Devil's Claw is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. Note that it has a bitter taste, so this tea will taste like medicine :) Feverfew is documented as an anti-inflammatory since the ancient Greeks. Sarsaparilla root binds to some of the toxins that are found at higher levels in people with rheumatoid arthritis. And, you guessed it ... it also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Traditional use: combine the herbs below and cover with 3 cups of cold water. Soak overnight, drain, and drink half a cup 3 times daily.

3 tsp White Willow Bark

2 tsp Devil's Claw

2 tsp Sarsaparilla Root

1 tsp Feverfew

White Willow Bark

Important notice: information on this website should not be interpreted as medical advice. Do not take any herbal supplements without consulting your physician, especially if you are taking medication or have an illness. Never take herbal supplements unless advised by a physician if you are, or might be, pregnant, or breastfeeding. Do not give herbal supplements to children under the age of 18.
In particular, do not take Devil's Claw if you suffer from a stomach ulcer, as it stimulates the secretion of gastric juices.


  1. Cichoke, A. J. , DC, Ph.D., (2001). Secrets of Native American Herbal Remedies. Avery Publishing Group.